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Honeymoon Hideaway Page 7
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Page 7
“Nicholas, don’t stop. You feel so good.”
He took her other breast in his mouth, sucking and biting at her nipple.
Her climax climbed to the surface, and after a few more of his thrusts, she exploded, the sensations radiating throughout her body. She almost screamed out, but his mouth swallowed her cry.
She rode the waves and was vaguely aware of the twitching of his cock in his own release.
He collapsed to the side of her, both of them panting in exertion.
He pushed her dress down and turned her to face him, her naked breasts pressed against his bare chest. “That was crazy good.”
“That… there are no words,” she grinned. She should be horrified at what they’d done. Absolutely mortified. But instead she felt sated and an inexplicable relaxation fell over her, a peace and calming. Like something she’d never felt before, but Lordy she wanted to feel it again and again.
Nic woke after sleeping like the dead. The night before with Cat had been nothing short of sensational. He’d gotten carried away, and knew for sure she’d jump up and run as fast as she could once she came to her senses. But praise the heavens above, she didn’t. She was so damned tempting. Nic had no control when he was around her.
Her beautiful satin-clad pussy, soaked from her arousal, had been a gorgeous sight. How easy it would have been to slide those panties aside and enter her dripping wet channel.
He wondered if she would have let him, if he’d asked. But deep inside, he was glad he’d showed restraint.
Tonight. She was ready for him. He could feel it, and he couldn’t wait.
Fuck! He’d dressed and had a flight departing for Puerto Rico in an hour but had a raging hard-on. No time to take care of that. He had to plow through.
On his way out, he stopped at the concierge desk to book parasailing for the next day and dinner that night. He set the reservation time and put a few other things into motion.
Tonight would be a night she’d remember long after leaving the island, if he had his way.
Cat spoke to the front desk receptionist after breakfast and learned that the resort property was larger than she’d realized. The receptionist explained there were walking paths that ran through the garden, along another pool and a hot tub, and snaked through the entire property. A perfect place to explore.
Although she brought her sketchbook, she had one thing on her mind—she had to call Celeste.
“Ohmigosh! How are you? How’s your vacation?”
Cat chuckled at her friend’s enthusiasm, even as her voice sounded low and groggy.
“Hey babe. I’m sorry. Did I wake you?”
“Don’t worry about that. Tell me what’s going on. Been on any tours? How’s the eye-candy?”
Cat meandered passed the pool and hot tub, taking in the lush tropical greenery on both sides of the path. She didn’t know where to start. “Well, first, I’m drawing a lot more. I must have sketched a dozen scenes.”
“Nice,” Cel drew out the word.
“But that’s not really the most interesting part.” Cat stopped at a stone bench and sat.
“Oh, really?”
“Um, so Tuesday, I had a massage. It was… really good.”
“What?! Are you kidding me?”
Cat could picture her friend bolting upright in her bed, her eyes bugging out of her head. “Ohmigosh, Cel, it was so fantastic. I can’t believe it. I can’t believe I let a stranger touch me like that.”
“Yay you! That’s just what you needed. Way to go.”
Cat licked her lips. “There’s something else?”
“Oh. This is getting good. Let me guess, a cabana boy?”
She laughed. “No, not exactly.
“Okay, what exactly?
“I met a man. He lives in Orlando, but has to travel here for work. And he’s cute and he finds me attractive. And…”
“And what?”
“He invited me to dinner last night and then for a walk along the beach. Afterward, we stopped at one of those outdoor cabanas on the beach. Gosh, he’s such a good kisser. I can’t even remember what Jack’s kisses are like.”
“Cat, that’s great, but why do I get the feeling there was more? Did y’all have sex?”
A flush of heat filled her cheeks. “No, clothes were still on, but we both came.”
“Wow. Who is this woman?” Celeste laughed.
“I know, this is sooo unlike me.” Her eyes rounded even though her friend couldn’t see. “I can hardly believe it myself. I don’t know if it’s Nicholas or the island or what. I’m so relaxed, and I hardly think of Jack. Is that wrong? There must be something wrong with me. I’m gonna come home and completely fall apart, aren’t I?”
“Calm down. Just a second. Nothing like that is gonna happen. The fact that you aren’t thinking about Jack-Ass constantly is a good thing.”
Celeste might have a point.
“So, you like this guy. That’s great. Enjoy the company while you’re there.”
Cat paused for a moment. “You think I should have sex with him?”
“Ha! Sounds like you’re already heading in that direction.” Celeste exhaled. “Cat, forget about Jack and work and Austin, all of it. Enjoy your time with this guy. Let yourself have fun. Give yourself permission to try new things.”
“Okay, Cel. You’re right.”
Cat walked on as she chatted before Celeste had to get ready for work. She followed the path through the manicured grounds, the palm trees providing coverage from the sun. She passed several park benches and hammocks strung between trees laced with exotic, colorful flowers. Images of Nicholas continuously popped into her head. She might be falling in lust with him.
After another fifteen minutes Cat returned to the main building. She had twenty minutes before a Pilates class would start. She glanced at her planner before leaving her room. Next week was snorkeling, paddle boarding, a facial, and of course, more drawing. Aside from the parasailing, she secretly hoped Nicholas would be able to join her for an activity or two, given this would be her last week.
She caught herself counting down the hours when Nicholas would pick her up for dinner.
No, she scolded herself. No obsessing over a man.
This time was for her. Time to evaluate, to get clarity and perspective.
Nic had only one day in Puerto Rico, but that was all he needed. He made several stops, all of them very productive. The island as a whole had made serious strides in their recovery since the devastating hurricane a few years back. Most everyone he met had a renewed optimism about the future. As tourism improved so did the economy, including several orders he snagged that day.
He combed his work email, waiting for his flight to be called, when his cell phone rang. His sister.
“Hey, Lisa. How’s it goin’?” His sister was a brilliant lawyer. She’d nailed an incredible case last month involving a professor’s intellectual property and his Ivy League school employer. Bloomberg featured her on their homepage because of it.
“Good. Listen, Nic, I’m putting some plans together for the July 4th holiday. Got a minute to talk?”
“Sure.” How she had time to coordinate a mini-family reunion while running a thriving practice was completely lost on Nic. Even being married hadn’t slowed her down in her practice.
He listened as Lisa rattled off plans and flight reservations for herself and her husband. She said she’d already spoken to their older brother, Samuel, who was going to block out the time. Everyone was to converge at their parents’ house in the Carolina Mountains.
Nic scrolled through his calendar. It was perfectly clear of social events that weekend—as it usually was. Workaholic was his middle name.
“Okay, sis, sounds good to me. I’ll look into flights and plan to be there.”
“Oh, good. I was concerned since you hadn’t gotten your promotion yet that you’d bail.”
“Ha. Ha.” She thought she was throwing salt in the wound, but he knew he was right on tr
ack for his promotion.
“Anyway, Samuel’s bringing Monica, looks like it’s getting serious. So feel free to bring a guest.” He heard the lilt in her voice as she more-than-hinted at him bringing a girlfriend.
Cat was the first person who popped into his mind. She would fit right in with his family. They’d love her—her easy spirit, her quiet intellect, her contagious smile, all of it.
Seeing her long-term wasn’t feasible—not only because of the distance, but because of his career. What they had right now was perfect.
“I know. Thanks, sis.” He disconnected the line.
Boarding started for his flight, so researching travel to his parents’ house would have to wait. Hell, he had so many miles saved up, he could make the trip for free.
Cat stared at the water from her hotel room balcony. Nicholas would be there in mere minutes and her body hummed with anticipation.
After an invigorating Pilates class and then lunch, she’d sketched freely, trying to distract herself from thoughts of Nicholas. She replayed her encouraging conversation with Celeste—not that she needed her friend’s permission to move forward with Nicholas. She was already more than interested in going further. He enthralled her in a way she couldn’t explain.
She honestly couldn’t remember this kind of craze with Jack.
She’d done some extra pampering and now felt her absolute best. Perusing through the boutique at the main building earlier she’d spied a decadent selection of thongs and purchased two pair. Panties was all she needed for that night, no bra. She glanced down at her dress—a long, flowing halter-style that cut deep, showing off her tan and gathering nicely over her boobs. It was a tad risqué for her, but considering it was already packed, she’d kept it. Now, she was glad she had. Nicholas would love it. She’d pinned her hair up in a messy twist, letting a few pieces fall haphazardly. Lastly, her makeup, although not much was needed, looked perfect, she had to admit.
A knock sounded on the door. Her stomach tumbled as she opened it.
“Hi.” Nicholas smiled, holding her gaze before visually tracing her form. “You look beautiful.”
He placed his hand at her waist and kissed her cheek, lingering.
A shiver raced down her spine. “Thank you.”
He turned and offered his arm. “Ready?”
What a gentleman, she thought. “Yes.”
Dinner was spectacular. They were seated in a booth tucked in a cozy corner. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he’d planned this specifically.
He sat close, his leg grazing against hers. His touches were driving her mad—little caresses on her thigh, small circles over the back of her hand with his fingertips. He charmed her with his compliments, and his eyes smiled at her, never breaking his gaze—like she was the only person in the room.
Near the end, he leaned in. “Would you like to come back to my room for a nightcap?”
She felt the heat rise to her chest and cheeks. “That would be lovely.”
After dinner, he held her hand, guiding her away from the main building to the elevator and to his room.
She walked into a suite similar to her own with a tray of chocolate-covered strawberries, a bottle of liqueur, and two crystal glasses sitting on the table. Scattered in a few places were white votive candles not yet lit. He had made plans.
“How about we go out on the balcony?”
She crossed the room to the narrow veranda. The sun was several minutes away from setting over the blue sea.
He joined her, offering her a glass. “Cheers.”
She smiled and sipped the sweet liqueur. “Mmm. Delicious.”
He held her gaze, then turned to face the water. “Great view isn’t it?”
“It is.” She inhaled and took another sip. “Do you live far from the ocean?” Cat glanced toward him.
He shrugged. “Nope, maybe an hour drive to Cocoa Beach. But I’m not much for downtime.”
She thought all men lived for vacations and getaways. Time to blow off steam. Cat tipped her head. “Really?”
“I guess you could say my vacations happen during work.” He flashed a wide, white smile.
She chuckled, then turned back to the sunset.
Nicholas placed his glass on the little bistro table and stepped behind her. “Did I tell you that you look beautiful?” He kissed the side of her neck.
His hands caressed her bare arms as he kept kissing her neck and shoulder. “Good, because you do. You make this dress look like a million bucks,” he whispered.
She smiled, and her eyelids fell closed, savoring his kisses.
After a few moments, he said, “Take another sip, Cat, and hand me your glass.”
She did as he bid, acutely aware of the wetness that gathered at the apex of her thighs.
His lips returned to their sweet assault, and his hands smoothed over her hips and lower back. “Your skin is so soft.” He slid his hands higher, up her exposed back, to her dress clasp.
Her breath quickened.
“Cat, may I unclip this so I can keep kissing your neck?”
Her heart skipped a beat.
He didn’t wait for a reply.
Her hands grabbed the front of the dress above her boobs, preventing the dress from falling.
Nicholas peeled away the strap ends, kissing her newly exposed skin. His kisses sent a sizzling hot trail over her body, awakening something deep inside in her.
His hands snuck under the fabric to her tummy.
She was nearly panting now.
She closed her eyes, only to have them fly open when his hands crept higher. “Nicholas.”
“Cat, I only want to make you feel good. It’s okay. No one can see.”
She looked to the right and the left. No one was out on their balconies. The other guests were probably at the bar or in town.
His hands covered both breasts, under her dress.
“Oh God,” she breathed.
“Shit, Cat. You feel so good. I’ve been thinking about being alone with you all day.”
He caressed her breasts and stroked her nipples. His forefinger and index finger toyed with them, which drove her positively insane. His erection pressed into her.
Her head lulled back against his shoulder as she pushed further into his hands, all while she had a death-grip on her dress.
His hand snaked down and back to the dress’s zipper.
Her heartrate sped as her eyes darted again. What if someone sees us?
He unfastened the short zipper, loosening the fabric. “Relax, beautiful. I won’t do anything more out here. I promise.”
She took in a shallow breath and allowed his roaming hands to pull her back onto his sensuous ride. His seductive kisses and touches made Cat unravel the last thread of discretion. His hand slid over her new silky panties to her mound and drew out a moan. She bit her lip, anxious for him to touch her clitoris but equally anxious to get back into the room, into privacy.
His hand left her breast to grab her neck, aligning his lips with hers. She opened for him to dive in, his tongue tangling with hers as his fingertips danced over her mound, neglecting her most-eager clit.
God, was she crazy to want him to touch her, under her panties? Out here?
He broke the kiss, roaming her neck, gently sucking as he pushed away the two loose ends of her dress off her neck. One hand reclaimed her breast, the other only caressed her low belly.
“Nicholas.” She panted.
Words wouldn’t come.
“I promised you no more, but I would happily give you something more, beautiful. Do you need more?”
Oh God, yes. Could she? She bit her lip. Her mind spun in uncertain circles. “Yes,” she finally whispered.
A fingertip slid under her waistband, teasing back and forth before dipping into her warm crevice.
“Oh God.”
Then he dipped a little lower gathering some lubrication to
run over her swollen clit. He massaged and circled, gently adding pressure.
She separated her legs several inches. She couldn’t believe it. She was letting him bring her to orgasm out here. After what she’d experienced so far on this trip, she shouldn’t be surprised.
She wished she could let her arms down, but she didn’t dare.
A familiar sensation bubbled up, and Nicholas didn’t relent. Her hips flexed forward, wanting just what he so expertly gave her.
“Yes, Cat. Please come on my fingers.”
She exploded, an intensity shot through her, making her knees go weak.
Nicholas tightened his hold across her mid-section, keeping her upright, riding out the waves that crashed through her.
“You all right?” he spoke softly.
Her chest heaved. “Yes,” she managed.
He pecked the top of her shoulder. “Cat,” several more pecks, “I love feeling you come. I would love to strip you out of this dress and do it again.”
She’d love anything and everything he gave her, but not here. No way. “Let’s go inside.”
Cat was incredible; there was no two ways about it. Feeling her writhe under his touch as she spiraled into orgasm was phenomenal. Her sweet soft body, so ripe for his dick to slide into, made him want to lift her dress right there. But Nic knew that would be pushing her too far too fast.
He pulled his hands out from under her dress and coaxed her inside. He closed the glass door and turned to find her standing beside the bed, both hands gripping her dress close to her chest.
He stepped before her, cupped her face, and claimed her pretty mouth. Her soft lips drove him crazy. “Cat, take off my shirt,” he whispered over her mouth.
Her sight bolted to the window, then back at him. “Aren’t you going to close the drapes?”
He knew he pushed her, hard, against her super protective boundaries. He didn’t bother to look back. “It’s almost dark. And being on the sixth floor, no one can see.”
She licked her precious pink lips and slowly released the hold on her dress. It crumbled to the carpet, and she stepped out. She stood before him in panties, heels, and earrings. Gorgeous.