Honeymoon Hideaway Read online

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  Before she knew it, they’d walked for a mile or so, circled back, and night had settled in. She tipped her head. The stars above sparkled like they’d been waiting all day to shine their brilliance for everyone to see.

  He stopped her in front of their resort, the beach bare of people. “Cat, would it be alright if I kissed you goodnight?”

  Okay, this is definitely turning into more than just dinner.

  Again, what could happen in her short stay on the island? And honestly, she wondered what his kisses would be like. “Yes.”

  He stepped closer and glazed the back of his fingers up her neck, over her jaw, to her cheeks. He cupped her face as he lowered his mouth to hers. His firm lips placed small pecks, then he nibbled a bit. Her lips parted slightly, and he tested, his warm tongue reaching for hers.

  He closed the gap, leaving no air between them. She clasped her hands around his shoulders, allowing his warmth to penetrate her. This was her first “first kiss” in so long. She hadn’t expected to have this again, but it felt so damn good.

  He dipped into her mouth deeper. He tasted of wine and hot male.

  Her tongue tangled with his, craving more, learning a new dance with one another.

  Finally, he broke the kiss. They panted lightly, and he stared straight into her eyes. His gaze mirrored what she wanted—more.

  “Wow,” he breathed. “Thank you.”

  She chuckled, her cheeks hot from the intensity. “You’re welcome.”

  He walked her to her room, his fingers intertwined with hers. When they arrived, he gave her one last kiss, less passionate than the one on the beach. “Two days will feel like two years.” He waited for her to open her door.

  She smiled and waved, and watched him walk down the hall toward the elevators. The door closed behind her; she bolted it and leaned against it for the stability.

  That kiss. She might never forget that incredible kiss.

  She giggled. What would Celeste say?

  Nicholas landed at Antigua International Airport with only one thing on his mind—Cat.

  He shuffled through the lines at baggage claim and customs. Some of the airport employees recognized him from his years of visiting the island. Sometimes when he travelled, one day melted into the next. There was no real variety to his job, but it paid very well, so he didn’t want to give it up. What’s more, once he got his promotion to Regional Manager—probably in a year or two—most of this monotonous travel would cease.

  Success was what drove Nic. Really the whole family. His sister had an Intellectual Property law practice in Charlotte. His brother was a cardiac surgeon in Atlanta. Nic might not be as successful as his siblings, in terms of prestige or money, but one day he would top them both. Until then, the only relationships for Nic were the casual kind.

  This trip—after meeting Cat—things seemed a little brighter. The vast ocean was bluer and the sky clearer. For the first time, he’d stopped and smelled the bouquet of flowers in the resort’s lobby that morning on his way to the airport.

  He chuckled as he hauled his luggage into the trunk of the rental car. Cat was definitely a sexy distraction. In the five years of traveling for his job, he’d maybe gone to bed with a woman a handful of times. They’d known it was a passing fling and meant nothing beyond two people enjoying each other’s company.

  Being with Cat didn’t have that same casual feel. No. In this case, he’d need to tread lightly. He was drawn to her in an inexplicable way, but she was coming off an insane break-up. Devastated, she was understandably cautious, and he’d respect that. By the same token, he wanted to see her again. Had to see her again.

  Nic had ten stops planned for the day. In the morning, he had appointments with buyers and general managers of resorts and hotels. Later he’d meet with bar and restaurant contacts. He only had a few new wine varieties and one flavored vodka to talk about. Nevertheless, it was always good to get facetime with folks and make sure they were happy with their level of service.

  Every once in a while, Nicholas was thrown a curve ball. A shipment was wrong or late, and he’d hear all about it. He’d learned quickly not to take it personally, and do his damnedest to fix the problem. He hadn’t lost a client yet. That might be another reason the company paid him so well. And promised him a Regional Manager position.

  After a handful of successful morning meetings, he arrived at his next appointment just before lunch—Sandos Antigua Resort. Raquel Domingues greeted him immediately. She was part-owner of this posh resort with her husband Rocky. They’d been long-time customers, and over the years Nic had learned Raquel was a huge flirt.

  “Nicholas, darling, you made it.” She approached him in a snug, short black skirt and a pale-blue silk button-down blouse. The length of her necklace dipped down into her cleavage. Her sun-kissed skin made her look vivacious and sexy. No doubt about it.

  Nic leaned forward, allowing her to kiss each cheek, while scanning the lobby for signs of Rocky. “Good morning, Raquel.”

  “Come. Let’s go to my office and chat.”

  He followed her, asking, “Will Rocky be joining us?”

  She glanced back and grinned. “No. Does that bother you? He’s meeting with the landscaper about a retaining wall on the east side.”

  He grinned back. “No problem at all.” She was essentially harmless. All flirt, no action. But most importantly, married women were off-limits.

  She motioned to a chair—two were situated in front of her large wooden desk—and closed the door behind her.

  “So, you look well. Have you been working out?” She stroked his upper arm.

  He smiled, unconcerned by her touch. It was an inoffensive gesture, one she’d used several times before. “I do what I can.”

  “Good for you. It’s hard sometimes, making time for the gym when work demands your attention twenty-four-seven.”

  “Raquel, you’re doing great. Whatever you’re doing keep it up.” It wasn’t shallow flattery. The woman loved to hear compliments and was likely fishing for one. Nic would need to be careful that she didn’t read too much into it.

  She smiled broadly before pushing paper and knick-knacks out of the way on her desk, leaving him room to display his liquor bottles.

  “So what yumminess do you have for me today?”

  One at a time, he opened the wines, pouring samples, and discussing the nuances and pairings of each. Raquel savored the wine as it was a favorite of hers.

  “These are delicious. I especially like the cabernet, maybe with a steak or beef entrée.”

  He nodded.

  “I’ll take several cases.”

  “Great. Lastly, I have an orange-cranberry vodka that’s getting lots of rave reviews.”

  He lifted the bottle from his case and she stopped it, raising her hand. “Hang on. Have you had lunch?”

  Nic made it a policy to eat, whenever possible, at his customers’ establishments. He thought it was only right to reciprocate the business. “Not yet.”

  “Let’s go to the bar. I actually want Julian to try it.”

  He nodded and stood to pack his bottles. Nic wasn’t surprised by her request. Julian was the head bartender and would weigh in on buying decisions frequently.

  Raquel looped her arm through Nic’s and led him toward the front of the building where the bar was open for lunch and dinner. The space had an understated opulence meant to cater to the well-off clientele at Sandos. It had a long Cuban Mahogany bar with a gleaming Lucite counter, clothed tables topped with votive candles, and windows with shutters only cracked open an inch or two. Unlike the rest of the décor in the resort—light, airy, and colorful—the bar had a dark, sophisticated polish that made you want to relax with a glass of whiskey and savor life for a while.

  Raquel leaned against the bar, waving at Julian.

  “Hi Raquel. Nicholas, how’ve you been?” Julian offered his hand.

  “Great, Julian. Good to see you.”

  “Nico—” Raquel started.

>   This was the first time she’d used a nickname for him. He ducked his head and opened his case to hide his surprise. The tiny hairs on the back of his neck curled.

  “Has a new vodka he wants us to try.”

  “Excellent.” Julian reached beneath the counter and retrieved three shot glasses.

  Nic poured, then set the bottle in front of Julian to peruse. They toasted and sipped.

  “Strong.” Julian nodded. “Powerful polish.”

  “I agree,” Raquel chimed in. “Tastes expensive.”

  Nic turned the price list in their direction.

  Raquel lifted her perfectly shaped brow. “What do you think, Julian?”

  “I say we give it a try. I’ll play with it and see what specialty cocktail I can mix up.”

  “Super.” She faced Nic. “Put us down for a case.” Her hand went to his upper arm. “Now, how about some lunch?”

  Julian handed her two menus.

  Nic lifted his case and followed her to an empty table in the back corner.

  “What would you like to drink?” she asked, situating her blouse collar.

  “Iced tea, please.”

  The waitress greeted them.

  “An iced tea for our guest, and a white wine spritzer for me. Julian knows how I like it.”

  “Very well, ma’am.” The waitress smiled and pivoted toward the bar.

  They quietly scanned the menu. He still had a full day and opted for a salad so he wouldn’t feel weighed down.

  “You look well. How’ve you been?” Raquel asked, relaxing into her chair.

  “Thanks. I’ve been busy. I’ll visit about twelve islands in the Lesser Antilles this trip.”

  “Wow. Good for you. I hope your company appreciates you. You are a definite asset.”

  He smiled, not entirely sure what to make of her comment.

  After they ordered, he asked, “How are things going for you? I like the new sign.”

  Her eyes twinkled. “Yeah, finally got Rocky to agree to the expense. I helped design it, and I love the finished product.”

  “Looks good.”

  “Otherwise, nothing new to report. Same ol’ same ol’.” She sipped her wine. “I was actually looking forward to your visit.”

  His senses went on high-alert. Before he had an opportunity to ask what she meant, the waitress set down their entrees.

  “Thanks, Lucy.”

  He took a long drink of tea, wetting his suddenly dry throat. He hoped he wasn’t misinterpreting the signals Raquel was putting out.

  She leaned closer to him, laying her hand on his thigh.

  He nearly jumped, and regrettably something stirred to life.

  She met his gaze straight on and lowered her voice. “Nico, I was hoping you might have a few extra minutes for your long-time customer.” The corners of her lips curved as she stroked his thigh under the tablecloth.

  His groin tightened on its own accord.

  He’d held off advances from women before and, as attractive as Raquel kept herself, he might have entertained her offer. If the circumstances were different, like if she were single.

  He rested his hand over hers, stopping her progress. “Raquel, you know I adore you, and I have an affinity for brilliant businesswomen,” he said with a wink, “but there’s no chance of that happening.” He kept eye contact, hoping that ended the conversation and nothing more needed to be discussed. And hoping to high heaven that didn’t just cost him the account.

  Raquel pulled back her hand and cleared her throat. “Absolutely. Thank you for the compliment.” She sent him a genuine smile. “I know how much you care about Rocky too.”

  “I do.”

  “Very good. Let’s dig in. It looks delicious.” She pointed to his salad. “I ventured out today and got the salmon. Chef said he wanted to try some new recipes for the summer season.”

  And that was that. She took his rejection like a pro. Nic admired the hell out of her. Truly. But the one woman he wanted stroking his thigh—or any part of his body—was two-hundred and twenty miles away. Probably lounging in a hammock, sketching something new, and sipping on a drink with an umbrella stuck in it.

  He shoveled a bite in to hide his smile.

  Cat was a breath of fresh air. Her quiet, restrained disposition mixed with the right amount of friendly optimism had him captivated.

  Later that evening, Nic collapsed on his bed. He was spent. He didn’t even think he had the energy to order room service for dinner.

  In fact, there was only one thing he wanted to do—talk to Cat.

  Cat finished her nighttime routine and was about to open an ebook when a text came through. Nicholas.

  Hi stranger. You still awake?

  She couldn’t say why she was so excited to receive his text. Was this what people meant when they talked about a “rebound guy”? Because, really, shouldn’t she be mourning the loss of a relationship?

  Hi! Yes. Getting ready for bed. Have a good day?

  She walked to the dresser and pulled out her boxers and cami.

  Yes. Good day, but a busy one. I wish I was there to kiss you goodnight.

  She reread the message because she wasn’t sure she’d read it right. Wow! She didn’t know how to reply.

  His next text hit her phone in a beat.

  I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to overstep.

  God, she was so confused. She loved his comment. She would love it if he were there, kissing her goodnight. But how was that possible? Less than a week prior she’d caught her fiancé screwing another woman. She wanted to be honest with Nicholas.

  You didn’t. I like that thought. Just surprised myself, I guess.

  Surprised because it wasn’t so long ago that you broke off your engagement?


  There was a pause of several moments and she wondered if they’d somehow lost their cellular connection. She crawled in between the covers and finally he responded.

  Cat, I’m drawn to you. I’m sorry that I’m not doing a good job of hiding it. Because I don’t want to put any pressure on you.

  She thought about that for a minute. Again she wanted to be honest; she just didn’t know how much was built on the heels of rebound and how much were true feelings.

  She swallowed hard.

  Please don’t hide anything from me. I’m drawn to you too.

  God, Cat. I can’t wait to get back there. I can’t wait for dinner. I have a big day tomorrow. I’m gonna head to bed. I’ll probably dream of you. Good night.


  She would probably dream of him too. Her face had already grown warm. She felt a dull ache deep inside and wondered if it would go away. Not likely.

  She imagined Nicholas at her door, perhaps after dinner, his hand cupping the back of her neck to lean down and kiss her. A deep kiss, an all-encompassing kiss. She could picture his ocean-blue eyes staring into hers, silently asking if he could have more. Asking if he could claim her, even if just for the short time she was on the island.

  If he wanted more, she might give him more. Geez! Was that crazy? Having a fling with a stranger, sex with a man she’d only just met, so soon after breaking off her engagement.

  Her hands roamed over her belly subconsciously. She needed to quell this ache. Celeste’s gift popped in her head. That could be good, enjoyable.

  She flung aside the covers and pulled open the nightstand drawer for the only thing in there—the vibrator Cel had snuck into her luggage.

  Cat’s mouth hung open at the lifelike toy—ridges and nubs for extreme pleasure. This was a serious implement. Nothing like the simple one she had at home.

  She stripped out of her clothes and climbed back into bed. At first, she let her hands slide over her body, in a way Nicholas might do. Maybe.

  Her nipples peaked under her touch. Her nipples were sensitive, often a simple twist would shoot straight to her clit. One hand slid south, dipping between her nether lips. She was wet, all from Nicholas’s texts. From thinking about what he could d
o to her.

  She spun the end of the vibe and it came to life. She set it against her hard nub.

  Whoa! This would take some getting used to.

  She clicked it off and dragged it over her sensitive lips, wetting the silicone. Her hips flexed. Oh God. This was just what she needed.

  She slowly pushed the vibe inside, letting the head stimulate her G-spot. The massive implement pushed against her vaginal walls. Warmth traveled throughout her entire body.

  With her other hand, she grazed a finger over her clitoris. Her inner muscles contracted and pushed against the toy. She pushed it back and nearly moaned.

  Her finger worked faster, but she wanted more. If she were with a man—like Nicholas—he’d stimulate her nipples while caressing her down below. She couldn’t do that for herself with only two hands.

  An idea popped in her head.

  She reached beside her and grabbed a large white pillow. Situating the pillow at her butt, she wedged it to hold in her vibe. Deeply set. She turned the vibe on low, then, bending her legs, her feet held the pillow in place.


  Her finger returned to her bundle of nerves while the other hand caressed her breast and played with her nipple.

  Oh yes. This was exactly what she needed. Her hips rocked, mimicking the act of riding a man. Her finger circled her clit, feeling it grow under her touch. One squeeze of her nipple and electricity shot downward, lighting her up, making the vibe slip. She flexed her legs, pushing it back as deeply as it would go.

  “Unh,” she moaned. She was so incredibly close.

  She imagined Nicholas’s hands, his mouth, ravishing her. His cock deeply set inside her, claiming her for his own, wanting to please her.

  The orgasm of a lifetime heightened until it exploded, radiating to every corner of Cat’s body. Her back bowed off the bed as she moaned long and low, savoring the glorious climax she so desperately needed.

  She collapsed and straightened her boneless legs. She pulled out her vibe, and her hands flopped to the side. Stupendous.

  She panted until her heart stopped racing. Looking up at the ceiling she wondered where that surge of lust had come from. Her massage had definitely brought out something extraordinary… a fleeting, fanciful escapade. This? This was brought on by thoughts of Nicholas, such powerful thoughts, and God help her, she wanted them to be real. She wanted her few days on the island to be spent with him. She could do that.